Now i'm here today not to talk about how many social media platforms we have, i'm here to talk about how much we HATE twitter! Yes fyi, i'm a user of twitter as well. However i didn't really start using my account only after 3 years i registered it.
1. Twitter was initially formed for the purpose of microblogging. Yes i did mentioned microblogging! BUT people seriously thought THEY WERE BLOGGING! *gasp!* Okay okay, i know you're sad but you really don't have to flood as if it's a journal and it's flooding our timeline!! In fact, i'm fine if you wanna be sad BUT just don't make the people around you to be sad by spreading it around. Look! Perhaps the person whom made you sad don't really care if you are. The more you show it onto any social network platform, the more complacent they'll be. So, why make them feel good? Be the smart one!
2. Next, i really don't understand why # tags are needed? Before twitter was invented, "#" you were just a button on the phone! =.= This # tag is more or less getting like a punctuation mark these days. And since we already have a search bar, searching for something with "#" will only display results with # included and what about those without # tags? So, i don't really understand the point behind it. And this # tag will in turn link to the "trends" in twitter. Trends like "yourthebest", i supposed it's "you're the best". I don't know why people love to do it that way, it doesn't piss me neither it's making me happy too.
3. We all know twitter is actually for people to rant, share their happiness or promote their business online. So we don't really care if your girl/guy is being picked up by others. In case you have that mindset of "my gf/bf is hot, so i can haolian to whole world". FYI, your gf/bf ISN'T A TEMPERATURE. They are beautiful/handsome, not HOT! Also we wouldn't care when and where you're going to be at, we DON'T REALLY want to know your personal schedule. I believe you should have a smart phone and there are applications inside which will help you to keep track of your schedule. So i suggest you might wanna keep it in there instead of sharing it with the whole world. We are least interested unless you're a celebrity, we'll probably take notice of it.
4. Now, i believe some of you sure have encountered people who's really crazily gaga over a certain artiste and he/she will flood your timeline on a daily basis like..
"@[artiste name] He's so charming! OMG!!! His new movie is awesome!! You guys should really catch it ASAP!!"
"@[artiste name] I love you! You're sooooooooo cute!! I even dream of you at night!" (okay i know i'm being a lil' extreme here)
And they are hoping that one fine day their idol will reply to their tweets and they will go..
"OMGOMGOMGOMGx10000!! @[artiste name] has replied me on twitter!!!!! *screams* *jumps* *faints* "Seriously, you don't have to wait till a day your idol will reply you. Chances are, they'll probably not reply you at all. There are too many tweets mentioning them and if they have to reply, i think they could spend their brunch, dinner and supper doing so. So STOP flooding our timeline please. :)
5. Lastly, i can never understand how people type like this..
"I lurvee euu boi. even if it doesn't meanzx a thing to you nao, i still lurvee euu. Puhlease come backx to me nao. ii missh euu` sh0 muchxz."
And if you realized, it's actually 140 characters no less. SERIOUSLY do we really need to understand a language like this and with a limitation of 140 characters in twitter, it can kill me literally anytime with the shorthand/shortcuts(whatever you call it). *roll eyes*
Oh ya, if you're thinking why i actually have those languages flooding my twitter? No i have none, i just happened to see some of the posts from my lil' sis friend's twitter's account. And i'm not gonna be mean to name them out here, besides everyone has their rights. :)
Woah!! Very lengthy post, i know. But ya, too much already la. And from the above post, i am definitely not pointing fingers at anyone. So chillax. :)
And before i go off..
To view more photos, go to my facebook.
Also, add me in twitter.
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